Sunday, August 31, 2014

This World

So I have two very beautiful small children, my son who is two and my daughter is six. I would do anything to make sure they are well cared for and no harm ever comes their way.In this crazy world it seems like no one especially defenseless children are safe. I was reading on two very mind blowing events one that took place in a daycare with an 18 month old that was getting duck taped to their nap mats and beaten in the head during diaper changes because of soiling the diaper. School officials knew of what was going on and they tried to cover it up but another teacher went and told.  Just the other day I was reading on a little girl named AvaLynn who is in elementary school student and she was attacked by another student on the playground,  they turned that babies face black and blue. It is sad because both stories are brutal one being done by teachers who are supposed to be trusted and one was done by students. These age groups hit home for me because my son is two and my daughter is just starting first grade, how do we protect our babies in school when we are either working, home, or school ourselves.

 Should we protest/petition that all schools and daycaree require all day active security cameras in every classroom and play ground? What can we do to ensure our children are safe?

People go through way more to ensure that banks and court houses are secure and safe, do you feel they should do the same in schools?

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